We will treat all your unexpected primary care needs in the most efficient manner, suggesting methods with the lowest cost to you. Our team is also available to answer your quick questions on the phone and manage your primary care as often as you need us — for one low monthly price.
Examples of the range of other options include a video consult, a nurse who knows your case sent to your home to give IV fluids or other care, an MA/phlebotomist coming at your home for lab draws, an in-depth face-to-face consult with a doctor, specialist coordination and more.. No matter what we are doing for you, we will always share the range of choices. From the least expensive to the highest service.
Leverage your high deductible insurance
You can use your existing high-deductible PPO or Medicare insurance to cover outside labs, X-rays, CT and MRI imaging, physical therapy, visiting nurses, specialists and hospitalizations. Patients under age 65 can submit receipts for out of network services to their PPO plan.
Our direct primary care includes free orders and consults for all of the labs, imaging, therapy, nursing, specialists and hospitalizations described above.
Low cash prices
We never recommend being un-insured against catastrophic medical problems but, for those without insurance, we keep track of how to find the lowest cash prices for outside services. We will be your go-to source for all your primary care -- from quick phone questions included at no charge to more complex appointments with a moderate charge.
When you need more hands-on at home
We offer direct primary care members easy to understand add-on services for situations that need more complex treatment at your home:
For example in our central coverage area:
We write order at no charge, you walk into the lab for blood draw $ 0
Phlebotomist draws labs at your home $ 80
Triage, treatment and IV fluids, (where & MD orders matter) $ Call
MD or PA-C treatment at your home (where & follow up matters) $ Call
MD or PA-C complex treatment at your home * $ Call
* Complex examples include advanced wound care, adjustment of anti-psychotic medications for uncontrolled patients, and similar situations. * Longer distance travel has a small surcharge.